Google & other search engines are getting roughly 30 % of their traffic from mobile & tablets In developed markets. As more & more people start using smart phones & preferring tablest over laptops & desktops this no should only increase. India is slow in this trend but hsall catch up with global averages very soon. Many mobile search users are utilising their mobile for instant results: whether it be to get up to date train time tables or to send gifts to a loved one or buy airline tickets, One thing that resonates across all actions on a mobile is ease of use.
It is essential that mobile customers are able to navigate to the content they want quickly. That's why we firmly believe every website should have their own mobile site, giving users less information but a much quicker route to conversion.
Mobile website should ideally have more text & less images. Large widgets are more liked by touch screen users.
Conversion ratios are relatively higher for mobile websites vis-Ã -vis normal website as mobile users are searching mainly during urgency & hence their likely hood for call to action is higher.
Mobile PPC, like normal PPC, is the campaign management of sponsored advertisement, within mobile search results pages on Google.Yahoo & Bing majorly
Mobile advertising is a must for any business, to ensure continued reach. Working on a payper-click basis, like desktop search, each advertisement contains a Title, Description and mobile number & email id plus the option of a link to the website being promoted.
Mobile ads demand skilled copywriting (due to the limited space), optimisation and keyword engineering to ensure you receive maximum coverage at a highly efficient cost.