How to build YouTube Assets| How to Optimize YouTube Videos Channels

Learn to build YouTube Assets in this article.

Digital Assets on YouTube will be Videos, Channels & subscribers. 10 steps on How to Optimize YouTube Assets namely Videos & Channels.

How to build YouTube Assets

In this article we will look at how to build YouTube assets. We shall look as to why YouTube is so important & also what are digital assets on YouTube. After identifying the assets we shall look on how to optimize YouTube videos & channels.

Learning how to build YouTube Assets and implementing this starategies is quite an simple process which anyone can master.

Why is YouTube so important?

As net becomes cheaper & more faster net connections availability has increased video consumption. This trend shall continue & YouTube being the King to Video platforms is a very important medium.

Some of the most important statistics about YouTube:


  1. YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine, next only to Google.
  2. YouTube is third most visited site after Google and Facebook.
  3. 400 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.
  4. We watch over 1 billion hours of YouTube videos a day, more than Netflix and Facebook video combined.
  5. More than half of YouTube views come from mobile devices.
  6. The average mobile viewing session lasts more than 40 minutes.
  7. People prefer to watch a video of a product than to read about it.

What are YouTube Assets?

We have described “Digital Assets” in earlier blog namely “Website Assets” & “Social Media Assets“. Likewise YouTube asset shall be as follows-

how to build YouTube Assets


  • Videos
  • Channels
  • Subscribers
  • Playlist

How to Optimize YouTube Assets?

We shall look on how to optimize YouTube assets namely Videos & Channels as these are most important on YouTube.

How to Optimize YouTube Videos? 10 Steps to Optimize YouTube Videos


  1. Great Content – Content is the biggest reason why users watch videos. There is no short cut to this. Being original, relevant & concise enhances your videos richness. E.g. Khan Academy produces rich & original content on major educational topics.
  2. Good Sound – This is another factor we should remember when we optimize YouTube videos. Bad sound is a big turn off & may lure viewers away from your video. E.g. Gangman videos & Kolaveri Di reached billions of views.
  3. Title – YouTube Video title is one of most important criterion on which YouTube algorithm ranks videos. Make sure you have used right title containing your most important keyword & value you bring to the table. E.g. 9 tips to optimize Or Easy steps to learn
  4. Description – Description appears below the title in YouTube search & it is here that you can detail the value proposition of the video. Many users read the description & decide whether or not this video is right for them.
  5. Thumbnails – This is the image that appears in the YouTube searches. This is single most reason why users decide to watch the video. Make it appealing with a punch line and enticing enough. Add face wherever possible as it shows authenticity. E.g All Tony Robbin videos will have his face & a message in the thumbnail.
  6. Preview – Give a preview of your video in the first 10-20 seconds of the videos as people tend to decide by then whether or not they will watch the video completely.
  7. Tagging – This is another major parameter for ranking on YouTube searches. Make sure you have rightly used the tags. E.g. A movie song should have tags like romantic song, movie name, actor names etc.
  8. Call to action – During watching videos, viewers need to enticed with call to actions which could be flashing a phone number & website details, asking to like, comment & share the video,  subscribe to channel etc..
  9. Highlight Milestones– In your thumbnails do highlight the important milestone the particular video has reached like 1 million views is highlighted by many videos in their thumbnails to entice users to watch their video.
  10. Engage Users – Do respond to comments & views expressed by your viewers often to engage them. You can in fact engage users during the video by asking them to comment or action to do in comments.

How to Optimize YouTube Channels? 6 Steps to Optimize YouTube Channels



  1. Create Channel – Many beginners forget to create channels & upload in personal capacity. Having a channel is critical as you can entice users to subscribe & become a regular viewer.
  2. Channel URL– YouTube allows you to optimize channel URL. Please take your company name or major keywords of your product & service within the URL. e.g. Khan Academy channel url is simply khanacademy
  3. About Details – Do give important details in the about tab of the channel to your users. They can then decide whether they would like to watch more videos from your channel & hence subscribe. Do give details your website, Facebook, Twitter & other social media links.
  4. Profile Pic– This is very important. Add your face, logo or some other important icon to distinguish your channel.
  5. Banner Pic – Give a nice & relevant banner picture to increase your chances of being subscribed by the viewers
  6. Create Playlists– Create topic wise playlist to viewers so that they don’t to search among your videos for related videos. E.g – Tony Robbins has created playlist for Life Advice, Financial literacy etc.

Hope you have liked the article and have understood  how to build YouTube Assets. Do share your comments & views to help us better our content.

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We at Numero Uno always strive to and for our customers to Build Digital Assets & also increase their values.

Also we analyze their competitors, target audience & geography to have a customize strategy for building Digital Assets.

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